Sunday, September 22, 2019

Three Schizophrenics Who All Thought They Were Jesus

A Doctor Once Forced Three Schizophrenics Who All Thought They Were Jesus To Live Together

Dr. Milton Rokeach forced three men who all believed themselves to be the Messiah to live together for two years in an effort to bring them out of their irrationality. But what Rokeach learned had little to do with the men themselves.

Three Christs Side By Side
The three Christs were Schizophrenics Leon, Jospeh, and Clyde.
In 1959 three schizophrenic patients who all identified as Christ were brought together at a psychiatric hospital in Ypsilanti, Mich. The three Christs were engineered to live together for two years by Psychologist Milton Rokeach in an effort to break their delusions.

Rokeach figured that if he could introduce three men who all shared the same delusion then perhaps they could be reasoned out of their insanity. The experiment was dramatized in the 2017 dark comedy starring Peter Dinklage, Three Christs, but before you check out the film, read up on what happened to the real-life three Christs of Ypsilanti.

The Three Christs Of Ypsilanti Meet

Milton Rokeach Portrait
Milton Rokeach, Polish-American social psychologist circa 1970.

Milton Rokeach heard about a random grouping of two women who both believed themselves to be the Virgin Mary at a different psychiatric hospital. One of the Marys realized that if another person claimed to be the only Virgin Mary, then surely she must be mistaken about her own identity. She subsequently snapped out of her delusion.

Rokeach, who was already a respected psychologist when he came across this study, was inspired and thought to try it for himself. His reasoning was based on the simple biblical notion that there is only one Jesus Christ. Perhaps, then, if he deliberately introduced multiple people who all believed themselves to be Jesus Christ, this would challenge their delusions and in turn break through their irrationality — just as the one Mary had.
Mental Hospital Like Ypsilanti
Inside a mid-century mental hospital, like Ypsilanti.

The three Christs were Joseph Cassel, Clyde Benson, and Leon Gabor. They ranged in age from their late thirties to early seventies, and the severity of their delusions varied as well.

Mild-mannered, 58-year-old Joseph had been institutionalized for two decades. Prior to falling to his delusions, Joseph was a writer and though he had never been to England, claimed to be English and needed to return. 70-year-old Clyde suffered from dementia and often recalled simpler times working on a railroad and fishing. Leon, 38-years-old, was committed as a boy when he commanded his mother to forsake false idols and worship him as Jesus. He was intelligent and coherent but had been raised by an ill woman. He of all the self-proclaimed Messiahs most resembled Jesus.

Rokeach first introduced the men on July 1, 1959. Although they used their given names, each made sure to also reveal himself as Jesus.

“It so happens that my birth certificate says that I am Dr. Domino Dominorum et Rex Rexarum Simplis Christianus Peuris Mentalis Doktor,” Leon said at this introduction. This meant “Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, Simple Christian Boy Psychiatrist.” He then said that his birth certificate also declared him Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Joseph protested this and Clyde joined in resulting in a chaotic first meeting. Clyde and Joseph screamed at each other: “Don’t try to pull that on me because I will prove it to you… I’m telling you I’m God!”

“You’re not!”

“I’m God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost!”

Leon would describe the session as mental torture. He claimed that Rokeach was trying to brainwash them.

The “Study”

Yspilanti Hospital
Ypsilanti state hospital in Michigan.

Rokeach assigned the men rooms next to one another and seats in the cafeteria together as well as jobs in the laundry at the same time. He made sure that the three Christs couldn’t get clear of each other and consequently were constantly forced to confront the core belief of their identity.

Weeks went by and they argued continuously. None of the men gained any ground with each other but instead, each became more and more frustrated and frazzled. So Rokeach decided to mess with them.

Rokeach sent the three Christs letters. Leon’s were from his newly invented wife “Madame Yeti Woman.” Joseph’s were from the head of the hospital.

The letters started as an innocuous conversation and included such mundane things as tips to better improve their care. But when Rokeach began to question the three Christ’s identity’s in the letters, the patients broke off contact.

The three Christs of Ypsilanti remained exactly that, three Christs. They argued every day and sometimes came to blows. When cornered, they blamed the others are crazy, or controlled by machines.

Rokeach then printed a fake article about himself in which he gave a lecture concerning his study of the three men in Ypsilanti Hospital, all believing themselves to be Jesus. Then Rokeach read the letter to them.

The three Christs broke down momentarily but regained their delusions.

Rokeach was reported by his students involved in the study as being not only absent but also relatively cruel. His students often came to question their own sanity when spending so much time amongst patients. Rokeach also questioned his three patients severely and was hailed as “confrontational” by his students.

He had at one point hired a beautiful research assistant to flirt with Leon in an effort to use desire as a means of pulling him out of his delusion. Leon did, of course, fall in love with the assistant. But he did not give up his delusion and became all the more confused because it was just a tease. Leon figured this out and withdrew into himself.
“Truth is my friend, I have no other friends,” Leon said.
Rokeach’s use of manipulation and illusion against the patient’s delusions proved only more detrimental.

The Conclusion

As time went on the men started to humor one another’s delusions. They even became friends, defending each other against other patients. They stopped arguing and talked about mundane things and avoided the subject of Jesus entirely.

With nothing much doing, Rokeach prepared to end the study. Even after two years, he had accomplished next to nothing. The only difference was that Leon had changed his name to Dr. Righteous Idealized Dung.

Trailer for the 2017 film, Three Christs.

The 2017 film is based on Rokeach’s experiment, with the doctor played by Richard Gere (of a different name, Dr. Alan Stone) and one of the three Christ’s — Joseph — by Peter Dinklage. Clyde is played by Bradley Whitford and Leon by a Walton Goggins. The assistant Rokeach had Joseph fall in love with was also featured in the movie, albeit with some dramatization.

But from what we’ve read, the true story and the memoir that followed may prove better entertainment than the screen version.

Rokeach wrote a book, aptly titled The Three Christs Of Ypsilanti in which he claimed to have helped the three Christ’s and made substantial discoveries. He hadn’t, of course, and many years later, in 1984, he wrote a personal expose in which he admitted:

“…while I had failed to cure the three Christs of their delusions, they had succeeded in curing mine-of my God-like delusion that I could change them by omnipotently and omnisciently arranging and rearranging their daily lives within the framework of a ‘total institution’.”

What Rokeach failed to accomplish within his patients — overcoming their delusion — he was able to realize was a condition he suffered from himself, as he himself had been under the false belief of omnipotence while at Ypsilanti. He explained that in the intervening years he had grown “uncomfortable about the ethics” of his experiment, and admitted that he “really had no right, even in the name of science, to play God and interfere round the clock with their daily lives.”

The Three Christs of Ypsilanti

The Three Christs of Ypsilanti

In the late 1950s, psychologist Milton Rokeach was gripped by an eccentric plan. He gathered three psychiatric patients, each with the delusion that they were Jesus Christ, to live together for two years in Ypsilanti State Hospital to see if their beliefs would change. Vaughan Bell tells the story of one of the weirdest experiments in the history of psychology. (via)
posted by The Mouthchew (57 comments total) 30 users marked this as a favorite
I toured the Ypsilanti State Hospital when it was still open (back in the '70's as a college student), it closed in '91. It was then, and always had been, a typical state run warehouse for the mentally ill. Ancient building, depressing, dirty, and about as far away from a therapeutic setting as you could get. I can only imagine how archaic it was in the 50's.
posted by HuronBob at 10:15 AM on May 27, 2010
Interesting. What if the historical Christ was just the first recorded case of this delusion?
posted by mullingitover at 10:17 AM on May 27, 2010 [9 favorites]
wow, the days before Human Subjects Review Boards were F-ed up.
posted by Dr. Twist at 10:32 AM on May 27, 2010 [3 favorites]
Of course, this experiment already happens on a daily basis in the real world. The only difference is these men thought that they themselves were God. I haven't noticed a lot of theists giving up their contradictory beliefs due to "that crazy guy sounds just like me".
posted by DU at 10:34 AM on May 27, 2010 [2 favorites]
It works, mate! It looks great! The fat one in the middle balances the two skinny ones.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 10:35 AM on May 27, 2010 [5 favorites]
Two men say they're Jesus, one of them must be wrong
there's a protest singer he's singing a protest song - he says
'they wanna have a war to keep their factories
they wanna have a war to keep us on our knees
they wanna have a war to stop us buying Japanese
they wanna have a war to stop Industrial Disease
they're pointing out the enemy to keep you deaf and blind
they wanna sap your energy, incarcerate your mind
they give you Rule Brittania, gassy beer, page three
two weeks in Espana and Sunday striptease'
Meanwhile the first Jesus says "I'd cure it soon
abolish monday mornings and friday afternoons"
The other one's on a hunger strike he's dying by degrees
How come Jesus gets Industrial Disease?
posted by Pastabagel at 10:40 AM on May 27, 2010 [4 favorites]
The Three Christs of Ypsilanti (2011), starring Ben Stiller, Seth Rogen, Paul Dano, with Jennifer Aniston as a delusional Mary Magdalene, the woman who comes between them. Great opening weekend, but dies soon afterwards. Good sales in DVD.
posted by TimTypeZed at 10:41 AM on May 27, 2010 [12 favorites]
Apparently, there's a documentary involving one of the Christs, but it's not available on dvd.
posted by The Mouthchew at 10:46 AM on May 27, 2010
There's no axe. If some theories are right, (extreme?) religious beliefs are a form of psychological disorder/misfiring. This sounds like just another example of that. Believing $X despite all evidence to the contrary will not be wiped out by evidence to the contrary.
posted by DU at 10:47 AM on May 27, 2010 [2 favorites]
This is actually a pretty interesting thread without your input; grind your axe somewhere else, DU.
posted by hal_c_on at 11:07 AM on May 27, 2010
I think the problem DU is that you appear to be equating all religious belief with mental illness. Rather, this FPP is about a handful of specific cases.
posted by edgeways at 11:24 AM on May 27, 2010
I do have to say that it is not at all uncommon for religious people to begin doubting and eventually abandon their beliefs because of realizations that occur while picking apart and criticizing the belief systems of others, which is not unlike the process that was studied here.
posted by The World Famous at 11:35 AM on May 27, 2010 [1 favorite]
I realise this is somewhat off topic, but does anyone know where I could find this book at a reasonable price?
posted by litleozy at 12:27 PM on May 27, 2010
Thank you for that link, jamjam. It's extraordinarily interesting.
posted by Astro Zombie at 12:32 PM on May 27, 2010
You are welcome, Astro Zombie; your objection to my naked assertion was just and reasonable.
posted by jamjam at 12:39 PM on May 27, 2010
I've been to Ypsilanti. The only way to survive is convince yourself you are Jesus.
posted by spicynuts at 12:48 PM on May 27, 2010
I haven't read the article yet, can someone tell me if the 3 jesuses came to blows? it's the only result I really expect for the experiment.
posted by shmegegge at 1:00 PM on May 27, 2010 [1 favorite]
At the very least, hanging out with the Three Jesii would be a welcome break from the Richard III Ward.
posted by Halloween Jack at 1:20 PM on May 27, 2010
About 10 years ago, I had a friend who worked nights in a mental treatment facility. At one point, there were 3 men being treated there who all claimed to be Jesus. We referred to them as the 3 Jesi. They voluntarily spent time together, which I found interesting. They also came to their own conclusions that they couldn't all be Jesus. The last I heard about them, one of them responded to his meds positively and quickly, and went to live with family. Of the remaining two, one decided that he wasn't Jesus after all. Instead, he was Superman.
posted by lilywing13 at 3:39 PM on May 27, 2010
I understand that the paperwork for a transfer from the Jesus wing to the Superman wing is not actually all that complicated. You just have to document that the patient has transferred his underpants to the outside and has got a shave and haircut.
posted by The World Famous at 3:53 PM on May 27, 2010
I once heard of another psychiatrist with similar strategies at testing patients' delusions to breaking point. At one stage, when faced with a Jesus, he had the orderlies dress as Roman centurions and appeared, in Roman uniform, carrying two bits of wood and some nails, and telling the patient that it's time for his crucifixion. Soon the patient was arguing impassionedly that he wasn't actually Jesus, or so the story goes.
posted by acb at 3:56 PM on May 27, 2010 [3 favorites]
reminds me of the ending of Terry Pratchett's Making Money
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 2:47 AM on May 28, 2010
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